Usage of Space Frames in Coal Handling Plants

space frames

The space frame are structures which are often designed in a three dimensional space. Steel space frames are highly used for easy operation and optimization. Hence, they have become an inevitable part of critical industries such as coal handling and mining industry.

The designing of the space frames is done with utmost care to make them as efficient and sturdy as possible. There are various parameters which need to be considered while designing a space frame. The Alcox is a leading company globally to provide well designed space frames for special industrial and architectural applications. Hindustan Alcox Limited is a pioneer in the space frame structure industry. They make the high quality steel space frames that can be used for various industrial purposes for a long life period. Additionally, Alcox  itself is a coal handling plants manufacturer in India.

The speciality of them is that they are versatile when compared to concrete / conventional structures and have higher tensile strength. A coal handling plant can be easily set up using the steel space frames. Another important element about the them is that they are very stable in the places which are prone to seismic activity. The concrete structures are vulnerable to  cracks and damage during such events.

Over last 3 decades, Hindustan Alcox Limited is the leading space frame manufacturer. By choosing Hindustan Alcox for construction of coal handling plants or for space frames, the business can be run with higher productivity and safety as compared to other alternative methods.

Usage of Space frames in Coal handling plants
Article Name
Usage of Space frames in Coal handling plants
The space frames are structures which are often designed in a three dimensional space. Steel space frames are used for easy operation and optimization. Hence, the space frames have become an inevitable part of critical industries such as coal handling and mining industry.
Publisher Name
Hindustan Alcox Limited

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